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We are data-driven marketing experts, helping eComm brands
make smarter decisions- from strategy to execution
(We skip the fancy slides. We get stuff done.) 


We are marketing experts and data masters- helping eComm brands
optimize marketing efforts from strategy to execution

(We skip the fancy slides. We get stuff done.) 

 TAG Marketing- US market retail experts, supporting your integrated marketing needs and helping global brands enter the US market


- Fractional Marketing Lead
- Paid media done thoughtfully  
- Creative that works (for paid media)
- Marketing reports, detailed and clear 

- Marketing audits with insights & actions
- US market entry for international brands

Client logos

Hi, I'm Anat, TAG's founder—a marketing expert and data master. We’re here to make sense of your numbers and help you make smarter decisions with confidence. TAG is focused on the ‘behind-the-scene’ elements (GTM, reporting, audits, paid media and more). We are not a creative agency, but we bring a lot of creativity to marketing tactics that can make all the difference.
We are not just your partner, we become part of your team (you'll see).


Book a free consultation call. We'd love to chat and learn about you, your brand and where we can support and remove headaches.

email us:

Why Us


We take pride in our roll-up-sleeves, hands-on and proactive approach. We are fully committed to you and to delivering meaningful results.


We’re not just part of your team, TAG gives you access to our vetted network of incredible partners and collaborators. We believe in making meaningful connections


With more then 20 years in marketing, our team  prevents you from making costly mistakes, from day one. We care about our clients and are invested in their success. 


What clients say about us:

"TAG really helped us understand how to measure and optimize our efforts across the marketing channels. They truly understand numbers and data."

Co-founder and CEO,

Left On Friday

White Brick Wall

Check out our #tipsbytag blog

Discover tips. Learn from experts 

you need us if...

  • You are scaling marketing efforts and not sure what is the best direction

  • You are not clear what are the returns on your marketing efforts

  • You are aiming for 2-4X growth in three to five years

  • You are not in a position to hire a full in-house team

  • You have a junior team and need interim higher level leadership and support

  • You are a creative CMO needing a numbers driven CMO- your other half 

  • You experience a growth plateau and need to figure out what's the next step

  • You have marketing leadership gap and need someone to step in quickly

  • You have marketing reports but they don't make sense and can't answer the tough questions

  • You are entering the US market, need a US consumer expert and someone on the grounds


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